Map of Belize
Tourist Map of Belize A map of Belize allows you to see this beautiful country whether you are renting a car, taking a shuttle or driving yourself. We have included several maps showing the Cayes (coral island), Villages, Towns, City in the districts of the country. To reach the major islands, namely Caye Caulker and […]
Where is Belize
Where is Belize and Why Would You Go There? To answer your question; “Where is Belize Located?”. We will start simply by guiding you from the popular destination in Mexico, Cancun, a coastal destination famous among travellers. From there continue following the coast south into Central America. You will find Ambergris Caye, This is Belize’s […]
Belize Covid Travel Infomation
Belize Covid Travel Info Updated May 13, 2021 Still wanna go on vacation to Belize yes or no?Yes and here is why…. Because of Covid-19, travelling has got a little more difficult. It leaves you questioning what countries you can travel to? What are the restrictions? And lots of other questions as well. We […]